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Theory and Simulation

KeyLab coordinator:

Prof. Dr. Stephan Kümmel
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-3220
E-mail: stephan.kuemmel@uni-bayreuth.de
Homepage: Chair of Theoretical Physics IV

Junior research group in the Elite Network of Bavaria:

Dr. Linn Leppert
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4461
E-mail: linn.leppert@uni-bayreuth.de
Homepage: Electronic excitations in light-converting systems

Beteiligung am Linuxcluster btrzx3

für hochgradig parallelisierbare Rechenaufgaben, Betriebssystem CentOS release 6.4, PBS-Torque Resource-Manager, MAUI Scheduler, Verfügbarkeit von Anwendersoftware

Theory and simulation have become an important part of today’s scientific research, experiment design, materials analysis and engineering. The KeyLab Theory and Simulation applies a broad variety of theoretical methods suitable for the investigation of molecular, supramolecular and macromolecular systems on different time and length scales.

The main research areas are calculating electronic excitations, studying energy and charge transfer processes in molecular structures and investigating fluiddynamical processes.

KeyLab coordinator:

Prof. Dr. Stephan Kümmel

Junior research group in the Elite Network of Bavaria:

Dr. Linn Leppert

KeyLab flyer:
