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Device Engineering

KeyLab coordinators:

Prof. Dr. Peter Strohriegl
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-3296
E-mail: peter.strohriegl@uni-bayreuth.de
Homepage: Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry I

Prof. Dr. Mukundan Thelakkat
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-3108
E-mail: mukundan.thelakkat@uni-bayreuth.de
Homepage: Applied functional polymers


mBraun Labstar 50 (Glovebox) & Vötsch VT 4002 (Ofen)

Argon-glovebox and argon-oven for preparation and characterisation of lithium accumulators.

Denton Vacuum Explorer (Sputteranlage)

A thin film deposition platform to sputter different metals and  metal oxides like: molybdenum, ZnO AL203 and ITO.

Edwards Auto 306 (Evaporator)

Vacuum coater for Thermal evaporation mainly used to create high conductive electrodes from gold silver and aluminium.

Erichsen K-Control-Coater (doctor blade)

A thin film applicator for high and low viscous liquids on different substrates, like Glass or PET-foil.

Leybold evaporator (Evaporator)

An inert gas purged thermal evaporator for high reactive materials like calcium and molybdenum trioxide.

mBraun Labmaster 130 (Glovebox)

Nitrogen inert gas glovebox with spin coater and heated doctor-blade for film preparation and storage.

Dimatix DMP-2850 (Inkjet printer)

Inkjet printer for printed electronics and film preparation.


Cleanroom ISO 4

Cleanroom for the safe production of flawless films.


Bentham PVE300 (IPCE)

The PVE300 is a solution for the determination of solar cell spectral response/ EQE (IPCE) and IQE.

Newport 92250a-1000 (Solarsimulator)

The solar simulator generates light similar to the sun. This is needed for the characterization of our organic solar cells. Typical characterization features are: efficiency, fillfactor and short-circuit current.

Bio-Logic SAS VMP-3 (Potentiostat)

Potentiostat for measuring all important electronic properties of organic semiconductors and accumulators. The main application is the measurement of impedance and capacitance.

Signatone S-302 (Wiederstandsmessung)

Four point probe sheet resistance gauge with special developed test heads for the characterization of metal networks.

Kryostat Setup

For Temperature dependent optical and electrical measurements like: UV/VIS, photoluminescence and current-voltage characteristic of diodes and transistors.


Agilent B1500A (Parameteranalyser)

Semiconductor device parameter analyser with a Probe stage in inert gas glovebox for our organic field-effect transistors and sensors.

Veeco Dektak 150

Surface profiler for the determination of film thickness and surface texture.

Zeiss Axio Imager A1m (Mikroskop)

Reflected light and transmitted light microscope for the examination of films and fine structures.



Modern polymer systems find applications in a variety of technological fields including energy production and storage, lighting engineering and information technologies. The KeyLab Device Engineering focusses on the development of components based on organic semiconductors like organic solar cells (OSCs), organic light emitting diodes (OLEDS), organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) and batteries.

Available methods for the preparation of devices and their components include photolithography as well as a variety of methods allowing for the preparation of thin films under clean room conditions. Equipment for the device characterization is also available.

KeyLab coordinators:

Prof. Dr. Peter Strohriegl, Prof. Dr. Mukundan Thelakkat

KeyLab flyer:

Rules of use:

Members of the University of Bayreuth can find the current rules of use via the intranet:

Non-affiliates of the University of Bayreuth can obtain the rules of use from the KeyLab coordinators.
